The Psikohoop has no buttons (except for the on/off/lock membrane switch), joystick, or keyboard. All menus, modes, settings and functions are controlled through movement! It can produce hundreds or more different displays. Simple images, words, and symbols appear in space! You can lock any display you like, save it for later use, modify its color, pattern, effect speed and more! Psikohoops can be set to change to any beat you like, all done with movement.

The Psikohoop’s tubing is 3/4″ outside diameter. The twist connector is custom-designed. The Psikohoop is weatherproof and with a kit can be made waterproof. There are no gaps in the lights.
Depending on the size you select, Psikohoop comes in two different types of tubing:

High-Performance Hard Polypropylene(PP)
Resilient Medium Polypropylene(PP)